Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank You Mom and Dad!

This is what I wrote to my parents today.  It says it all, on my day of life, and I pray that they know how much I am grateful!

Mom and Dad,

Thank you for the gift of life!  Thank you for sharing all that you have with me!  Thank you for helping me each step of the way!  Thank you for the laughter, the learning, the support, the love, the listening, the interesting food times, the long rides in a car, and more!

Thank you for doing the best that you could at a given moment!  Thank you for still being with me all these years!  Thank you for opening my horizons and heart to so much, more than what I dreamt of!

Thank you for the silly and serious times, and all in between!

I love you, and I am glad you are my parents!

Thank you for my birthday.



For what are you grateful at this moment?

Share with me, as we celebrate being grateful!

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