Yesterday was too nice to stay inside after the swim, reading, errand running, and more, so I opted to visit one of my favorite places to run. It'd been a while since I stopped, walked, and shot on a no-hurry basis. Here's a pinch of what I saw.
A fallen tree. X-marks the spot? Near the overloook.
Low tide.
The beauty of this trail is that you never know how high or low the water will be, nor how many animals will be playing here.
Another fallen comrade. Beauty at all stages of life.
Sweet purple spark!
How many times have I clung to this rail during icey step repeats.
Ah, not yesterday!
Lots of ferns!!
The green trail. It reminds me of living in Mississippi. Not sure why, but it does.
A trio of dogwood blossoms!
The return-to-car sight!
Thank you to Spring Break for the time to enjoy. Thank you to the great weather for a compassionate afternoon of exploration and shooting! Thank you to the trail for always embracing me, and allowing me to sink into your wonders!
For what are you grateful at this moment?
Share with me, as we celebrate being grateful!
Share with me, as we celebrate being grateful!
wow, i love all the flowers. they do make for a BEAUTIFUL spring.....and break!