I could probably write a few books of why I love nature. I feel most at home there, and today I was able to have some down right remarkable times with the wonder that is nature!
On the way to school I kept seeing flashes of light in the sky, but that was it. Being still under the weather, I wondered if it was some secret gov. training, given where I was driving. ;-) A few miles down the road, water came from the sky, and I realize, "nope, that's that 60% chance of rain stuff that I forgot about, so much so that I have no rain covering with me!"
Just a bit closer to school, there were streaks of jagged lightening all throughout the sky. It was AWESOME in the most profound way! I haven't seen lightening like that since I was in Wyoming 10 years ago. It deeply connected with me in a positive way, and I was giddy and joyful on the way to school!
After school was done, I realized I had taken mis-matched gym shoes in my bag. So much for packing in the dark last night with a full head of cold! I had hoped to run on the trails today, but was concerned about the pollen impact. With it in the high 60s, I had only one choice: chance the trails.
As I drove to the park, I saw two herons still on the grey bay. During my run I had a close up of bright-orange duck feet! The topping of nature's sundae was the gratitude walk loop. I had spotted a few purple wildflowers (first of the year) on the first loop, yet when I stopped to walk earlier than planned, I found a treasure trove of flowers!
The entire hillside at the base of the trail was dotted in purple, pink, and white flowers. They were in various stages of bloom. Under a decaying log, were 40 or 50 tiny purple people on steady stems. Truly magnificent!
The pic at the top of this page was taken in Patagonia, and I thought of it during this walk. I had slowed down due to a lot of factors in Chile, and today I chose to slow down. Taking in each step, breath by breath, I was delighted in nature's symphony of colors and growth.
Mother Nature, thank you for you! Thank you for your colors, your songs, your reminders of life and learning! Thank you for welcoming me each run, walk, and skip! Thank you for sharing yourself with us!
For what are you grateful at this moment?
Share with me, as we celebrate being grateful!
sounds absolutely gorgeous! and i love that pic!